jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2019

Natural resources as necessary conditions for life.

Central Idea: Natural resources allow human beings to satisfy their needs
Line of inquiry that will be explored: The resources of our planet.
Key Concept: Form, connection
Attitudes: Reflective, Caring


To understand that humans are caretakers of the Earth, not merely rulers
of the planet.

Essential Question

  What do we need to do to take care of the Earth?  

Essential Understandings

  People share the Earth with all living things.
  People need to protect the Earth’s resources and environment.

The survival of every species is 
affected by many environmental factors.

The human population on Earth uses and destroys more than their fair share of the planet’s resources. People must recognize their role as caretakers of the Earth. We must become preservers rather than merely users.

Sharing the planet 

                                                                                                        Read the definitions

Indefinite/ Definite Articles:    
Read   Watch     Play    Play  Exercise

Regular Plural Nouns 
Read     watch   Play    Play  

And - But- Or  Read    Watch   Play    Homework   

Irregular Plural Nouns: Read   Watch  Play  Exercise  

To be verb:   Read    Watch   Play  Play   Test